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Reformate (final product of platforming unit in our plant) got colored during last two start-ups. What are the probable reasons behind this? Please mention the rectifying measures of this problem.
22/10/2010 A: SImone Robinson, Tube Tech International Ltd, simone@tubetech.com
Could it be that you have had a carry over such as oil or catalyst which has mixed with the gum deposits or Poly cyclic aromatics?
Solution, if this is the case, is a thorough clean with bespoke tube and shell side cleaning technology. Let me know if you need more information.
19/10/2010 A: Virendra Kapoor, Petroleum Refining Consultants, vkkapoor9@yahoo.com
The coloration may be due to coronene type of intermediate compounds. They may typically form when
- acidity is high i.e. overchlorided catalyst
- fast increase in temperature after catalyst presulfidation in SR type plants. Increase temperature following Hydrogen sulfide content in RG.