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My question is related with the effect of pressure and HCGO recycle in yields and HCGO properties.
We would like to improve the properties of the HCGO product. If you increase the pressure or the recycle, the HCGO quality will be better but the yields will be worse (more coke yield).
I would like to know if there is some difference between increase the recycle or the pressure.
What option is more recommendable? Both variables produce the same effect (in yields and HCGO quality)?
07/09/2013 A: Ralph Ragsdale, Ragsdale Refining Courses, ralph.ragsdale@att.net
I don’t know what you mean by HCGO quality. If it is solids content, the usual issue, then improved filtering, rather than operational changes, is the answer.
However, you can use the unit to develop a site specific answer to your question. Design a test run to stepwise vary the pressure and then the recycle ratio, and finally both together. At each point, note the calculated revenue (LP model results?) and HCGO quality. Based on whatever you desire for HCGO quality, you can select the optimum operation.